The Dream Experience: Celebrating the Next Generation of Inspiring Leaders
Who we are
Go for Yours has provided
$10,000 in scholarships

Our Story
In 2010, Founder Erika R. McCall decided to bring to life the hand-scrawled quotes resting in her journal. While on a plane, 30,000 feet in the air, she wrote three words that, unbeknownst to her, would change the direction of her life, “Go for
Go for Yours started as a published collection of stories about young African Americans brave enough to follow their
dreams. While promoting the message of Go for Yours to various students across the country, Erika noticed a difference
between underprivileged youth and their more privileged peers. Both were equally talented, but one group lacked the
resources they needed to become the best people they were born to be.

Closing the Opportunity Gap
One Student At a Time
According to the Schott Foundation for Public Education, U.S. Department of Education data reveals that the opportunity gap is the greatest crisis facing America’s urban youth. When an opportunity gap is present, there is an unequal amount of resources available for young people living in and attending schools in low-income neighborhoods.
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Serving the Community

Go for Yours Foundation on
the Drew Barrymore Show